Tuesday 25 September 2012

Wickedness and Vice

We beseech thee also to save and defend all Christian Kings, Princes and Governors..

Skip the next bit...

Dozing off during early communion is allowed,  however one arrived at the church, virgo intacta,
widow of fifty, by car, on a bike, swearing at a few bobbies en route, or even on foot,
wading through rising floodwaters...

The church is kept unnaturally clean these days.  Along with all the other food shortages
louring about our house, there's a serious shortage of mice, churchmice included, and house mice, and long tailed fieldmice, coming in from the cold.

I rarely darken church doors, waste of time, now there seem to be more people on the flower rota than
actual worshippers, let alone Church Mice, but the King James Bible and the Book of Common Prayer are Great Literature, cram-packed with useful information and superb quotes. .. .

( endlessly quoting Hamlet is tedious. Hamlet was (a) whingeing. (b) plagiarising. and
 (c) one of those porky boomerang kids, graduate, NIET,  slobbing around at home after an expensive education,  Oedipal and sexually abused household staff and/or their daughters. 

The relevant bit comes soon, not soon enough...

 Especially  ELIZABETH our Queen,  that under her we may be godly and quietly governed... 

' And to all that are put in authority under her, that they may truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of wickedness and vice....

I like that. Wickedness and Vice.

Some people are Wicked. Only brats use this noble word to express approval.
 Vice means  Evil.  Grossly immoral habit or conduct.
Some animals are described as vicious.
Erroneously, I think, because animals can't be expected or required to obey the law.*

Only animals with complex brains actually plan to do bad things....

 Wickedness and Vice... Think of examples...

Crimes against the weakest and most vulnerable, for instance... Stealing candy from a baby ?

Or, even easier, because most babies can yell loud enough to shatter glass -

stealing every penny from helpless old people  ?  Old people who've placed their trust in so-called carers ?
An old man, whose eyes were dim, so that he could not see ?
An old woman, afraid, knowing that he mind doesn't work, but still knowing that her so -called
carer has taken everything ?

Child Abuse means heartrending adverts, tins rattled for the NSPCC.
Elder Abuse ?
As the police officer said, to a woman trying to report a crime against her eighty-something mother,
Your mum isn't a blue-eyed toddler.  (He meant Baby P)  Can we see any bruises ?
 Not then, no, but they're identified on NHS records.... 

*  Depressing subject.....

The good news is, Cats are exempt.     Of a wild nature* ...
 We don't have owners and if we bite someone or decide to go awol, it isn't our fault, or, luckily, the fault of our non-owners.
I overheard this useful infiormation while  waiting at the vet's.
 On the morning of my appointment, I happened to be away  attending to  urgent business of my own, reaching home only just in time to jump in the car, drive hell for leather to town.
 * Yes, of course I know the Latin, but decided, in this week of plebs and plebiscites, that it was time to stop showing off. 
Richard III did or didn't commit many of the crimes attributed to him.
Multilingual notices at your local police station surely count on the credit side ?  Let right be done, in a language the defendant can speak and understand ?